Finding Free Netflix Account – 100% Working

Finding free Netflix account online is easier than you think. Many premium users do share their email and password details online. They share it without any restriction. You can find these on blogs, movie forums, Facebook pages, and etc.

Warning: This post is for educational purposes only. We suggest that you subscribe to their plan (Mobile, Basic, Standard, Premium). Additionally, the price to access the site is reasonable and not too expensive in anyway.

The Best Way to Access Netflix

Indeed, this is the recommend method if you are cost cutting your budget.
Note: Credit/Debit Card or Paypal is needed.

1. Sign up for a premium plan.

Note: Monthly price subscription varies depending on your location. Thus, some areas are cheaper than the other.
Example: The price in Germany is different from United States or Australia.

2. Create an account using your desired email and password.

Note: Use Gmail account as your preferred email provider when registering. In fact, this will enable you to use Netflix on your Android phone or tablet.

3. Enter your preferred payment details(Credit/Debit Card or Paypal).

If you see this message “There appears to be a problem with the payment method you are trying to use Netflix”, just use another valid credit/debit card that you own.
Note: Similarly, convince your parents to use their card to access this site if you’re a minor.

4. After the confirmation of your account, you have 30 day free access to watch movies on their website.

Nevertheless, It is a good way to test their service for this period.
Note: Don’t expect new movie releases to be immediately posted on their website. Wait for about 3 to 6 months before you can enjoy these new releases. However, you can watch original movie series without any delay on its release date.

5. Before the expiration of the 30 day period, cancel your premium membership.

This will prevent Netflix from auto deducting your subscription. Also, it will prevent an unauthorized charges on your account. 3 days before the expiration, you will receive an email to that your subscription is about to end. Enough time to deactivate your account
Note: Billing cycle = Every month

6. Repeat step 1.

Sign-up again as trial member. Netflix allows any previous trial account holder to sign-up multiple times using different email.)

The Smartest Way to Obtain a Valid Netflix Account

Ask someone you know to share their account details. It maybe your friend or a family member. Make sure they trust you with their log-in account.

Free Netflix Account Shared by Users

100% Working – Free Netflix Accounts(Visit this post regularly for more updates).

Updated as of January 23, 2021(Shared by undisclosed owners).


Note: Please don’t change the password. A premium plan is only limited to 4 simultaneous log-ins. You can’t access the site if someone is already logged-in. Wait for that person to log-out before you can access the site.

Don’t Outsmart NETFLIX

Some people will try to outsmart their services. Sharing the screen to multiple devices using mirroring method will not work. Doing illegal things to gain access will not also work. The site creator is not stupid, they will protect their services from this kind of abuse.

Finally, report any non-working accounts on the comment section to be replaced by new set of valid accounts. Enjoy.
